
5 key evolutions in the French legislation for the vending market

November, 28 2023

In France, the legislation put into force – notably the 2020 Law on Anti-Waste for Circular Economy (AGEC) – has led to a significant decrease in the use of single-use plastic cups. Since the implementation of these measures, the consumption of disposable plastic cups in the country has dropped by over 70 %.

1. Law on Energy Transition for Green Growth (2015):

This law introduced measures to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic bags, imposing a charge on lightweight plastic bags distributed at checkouts, while making provisions for a future ban on the distribution of single-use plastic bags at checkouts from July 1st, 2016.

2. Law for the Retrieval of Biodiversity, Nature and Landscapes (2016):

Although this law did not specifically focus on single-use plastics, it did contain provisions to fight plastic pollution, including a ban on the use of plastic microbeads in cosmetics and a total ban on the distribution of single-use plastic bags from January 2017.

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3. Law on Anti-Waste for Circular Economy (2020):

Adopted in February 2020, this law aimed to reduce waste and promote circular economy by gradually banning the availability of a number of single-use plastic products from January 2021, namely cups, cutlery, straws and stirrers. It also set targets for the consumption of single-use plastic bottles and promoted the development of re-usable containers.

4. Law on Anti-Waste for Circular Economy (2020):

Extending the first set of AGEC anti-waste measures, the law includes provisions to reduce the use of single-use plastic containers as of 2025 (such as those used in school catering) and promote the use of re-usable ones.

5. Law on Anti-Waste for Circular Economy (2020):

In addition to the provisions already mentioned above, the law also provides for the introduction of a deposit system on single-use plastic bottles with an aim to boost the collection and recycling rate for these bottles.

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